Excellent Lectures of Adult Teaching
Concepts and Core of Quality Institution

Tradičné ľudové umelecké remeslá, Leopoldov, Slovak republic
Stowarzyszenie Forum Ceramików, Gliwice, PL www.s.cuforum.pl
Project is supported by: 🇪🇺
Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation (SAAIC), ERASMUS+ and National Agency for Education and Training.
Main objectives:
We decided to call our project Excellent lectures of adult teaching – basic concepts and core of quality institution. This name reflects the reality of our institution. The aim of our project was to offer lecturers the opportunity to travel abroad for further education. The main purpose of the project was to improve learning techniques of craftsmanship, to bring new knowledge and a new "wind" to the educational activities of our institution and also to become more familiar with innovative methods of non-formal education. New impetus proposals will be incorporated into the European Institution Development Plan. This can help improve the quality of the informal learning process, consolidate the position of the institution in the region and help the organisation in its further long-term development.
The project was aimed at enhancing the expertise and competencies of selected members of our organisation by participating in structured courses followed by other activities. It has increased the level of one of the main activities of our association - the promotion of folk arts and crafts by organising international meetings of craftsmen and creative workshops for the general public.
The "New Skills and New Jobs Program" initiative in our organisation means that we will focus on developing the versatility of the lecturer. Only a fully-developed personality can reflect on changes in the work environment, which also contributes to their flexibility in the labour market.
The development of the internationalisation of our institution will be achieved through the exapansion of managerial and methodical competencies, which continue to move our institution forward as a model of a modern European institution. With the participation of mobility lecturers, we have established new relationships that will be reflected in the future of interesting international projects.
During fourteen days there were seven lecturers and members of the group who participated in structured courses at a ceramic workshop in Gliwice, Poland. On behalf of the agreed mobility program, participants actively took part in the courses with the following program detailed below.
Part 1 - Theoretical preparation:
- Introduction to the receiving organisation and their employees and lecturers
- Exhibition of workshops, 'workspaces' and galleries of the association
- Getting acquainted with the basic equipment of the workshop, additional equipment, materials and tools
- Lecture about ceramic materials and their use
- Lecture about different types of glazes and their use
- Learning theory about handmade ceramics, clay modelling, turning on the potter's circle, modelling of the form and plates
- Lecture on how to decorate ceramics (gluing, punching, shaping, perforation, engraving, etc.)
- Theory about glazing of ceramics
- Method of glazing ceramics according to Japanese technique RAKU
- Presentation of videos (by Zbigniew Kwolek and Aleksandra Kwolek)
Part 2 - Practical exercise:
- Clay modelling
- Modelling of the form
- Plate modelling
- Figurative creation
- Rotation on the potter's circle
- Glazing
- Firing process of pottery
- Decorating ceramics
- Manufacture of ceramics RAKU